B U R D E T T B U R N E R . C O M
Phone: 630-617-5060 Fax: 630-617-5258
Burdett Burner gas fired infrared burners are heavy duty ceramic element industrial infra red burners. Model 10L infra red burners such as the ones pictured below are available with a maximum output ranging from 14,000 to 50,000 BTU/Hr.
infra red burners

Burdett Infra Red Burners can be manifold together to yield radiant heat thermal outputs ranging from 14,000 to 100,000 BTU/Hr per lineal foot. Burdett Burners are available as individual units, or with complete radiant heat systems for industrial heating processes. They offer unparalleled efficiency in such industrial processes as paint curing, powder coating, and drying.

radiant heat Because of their unique design, Burdett infra red Burners can be operated in any position - vertical, horizontal, inverted, or otherwise to suit radiant heat requirements. Radiant heat advantages include: uniform high quality of product; low investment; minimum maintenance; maximum rate of heat transfer; 100% complete combustion; maximum fuel economy; gas savings as high as 50% compared to convection ovens; processing time greatly reduced.

Pictured are painted parts hanging on a conveyor being cured by Burdett infra red radiant heat Burners in an industrial oven. To download our catalog in adobe pdf format click here

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